Not much has happened these last couple of weeks. We are just waiting the endless wait. It has been officially 37 days since our referral for Lily. It has been 24 days since our PA (preapproval) from China. LOSC still could be weeks away from now. I am hoping we will get it sometime in April but may not be until June. So we wait...........
In the mean time, we are having our home study renewed. It is due to expire on May 5th so we need to have it updated. In Massachusetts home studies are only valid for one year. So more paperwork. More child abuse clearances, new CORI, meetings with our agency, letters stating any changes with our family, income, medical etc. When the knew home study is finished it then needs to be notarized, authenticated and translated. Have I mentioned I am just about at my limit with the paperwork? Well, I am. Come on now. Enough already! I am not delusional. I know there is lots more paperwork to come. I am just sick of it! The things we do for our children!
I am still waiting for Brian Stuy to send us Lily's finding ad. It was supposed to be mailed out on Thursday this past week from Utah. Hopefully we will have it by the beginning of this week. We can't wait to see another picture of her. All these little links to Lily makes the waiting a little less painful. So we continue to wait for LOSC, home study renewal, finding ad. Wait, wait, wait. While Lily waits for us...........
Hang in there...stay strong and steadfast....Keep the Faith....send good Karma to Miss Lily she is waiting too. Soon to be a beautiful, loving Family of Five!