Sophie had a cheer leading competition this weekend on Saturday & Sunday. This competition was 2 hours from our house so we decided to stay over and have some girl bonding time. Very fun, busy, and exhausting weekend. Friends, late nights, restaurants, swimming and a competition makes for a fun weekend.

Sophie and some of her team mates on Saturday during the competition. Sophie is a back spot. She is up front and on the right in this picture. She LOVES cheer leading and is very dedicated. So happy she has found an activity she really loves.

Practicing before the competition on Sunday.
Lily was loving every minute of being at the competition this weekend. All the girls were giving her so much attention. She loved doing pretend stunts with the girls. She ran around this huge conference room in between performances all day for two days. Hours and hours of running and stunting. She had a ball. When we left to come home on Sunday she was asleep in two seconds flat and slept the whole ride home.

We made time for the pool too. This was Lily's first time swimming in a pool. She doesn't look like she is having fun in this picture but she was. She was kicking and splashing around for about 1/2 hour. Not bad for the first time in an over crowded pool full of kids jumping and splashing.

This sums up the weekend perfectly. We were all so exhausted. Wish I could have been napping too.
Looks like you had a wonderful time! She seems to have slotted into your family so well. Two beautiful daughters. xxxx