Last weekend we adventured up to New Hampshire with some friends to do a little skiing/snowboarding. Lets just say Anthony, Gavin and Sophie had a great time. Poor little Lily came down with the Flu so I spent most of the weekend in the condo with her. I knew on Thursday when we were leaving that she was getting sick. She was coughing, but nothing else at that point. By Friday she had a mild fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. We all ventured to the slopes for the day on Friday hoping she would be
ok. I loaded her with
Motrin and bundled her in layers. She did
ok for the most part. At times she kept saying "Lily-mountain". Bless her heart. She wanted to ski on the mountain when she was watching her friend Sarah learn to ski on the bunny slope. I just didn't want her skiing feeling so
awful so we didn't put her in lessons. Lily and I spent time in the lodge, in the car and by the outside fire for a while. By 3pm we had had enough hanging around so I took her back to the condo to rest while the others stayed. By Saturday she was absolutely miserable. Fever of 102, major runny nose, bad cough, crying that her throat hurt saying "mama, boo-boo" pointing to her throat. She barely slept at night because she was in a different bed and felt so miserable. I stayed with her in the condo on Saturday when everyone else went back to ski for the day. By Sunday she was worse so we left early after breakfast. So over all, not a
great weekend for Lily or myself. The rest of the gang had a
great time. Glad they got to enjoy the slopes. Next time I hope we all can enjoy the slopes together.

Sophie on the slopes for the first time. She has snowboarded before but never
skied. She did awesome and loved it. By Saturday she was skiing black diamond trails. Little nervous when I heard that.

Gavin snowboarding. He loves to snowboard. He is so good at it.

Lily all bundled up on Friday. Making the best of the situation. Of all the weekends to get sick. In the 5 months she has been with us she has only once had a runny nose. That's it. Runny nose. Now we go away for the weekend and she gets some viral flu. Go figure.

Thank you Kimberly for the hat. Love it. Too cute.

Sarah learning to ski. She did great for the first time. Lily really wanted to join her.

Sarah and Lily in the lodge.
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