Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We are so close!!!

I just found out we have our I 800 approval. It was approved yesterday afternoon. We only have a few more steps to go and then we are off to China! I can't believe it! The next step is for Lily's visa paperwork to be approved which takes about 3-4 weeks. This is done in Guangzhou, China. Then our file gets sent to Beijing to the CCAA and they review everything once more and then issue travel approval (about another 3 weeks). Once we receive TA we can go get our little girl. We are so close. I can not believe we have been in this process for a year and a half. We have been wrapped up in all this paperwork for so long it felt like it would never happen. Like it was just a dream. Or just part of our daily life. Kids, house, work, fun, adoption paperwork. Now it is starting to feel like it IS going to happen. We will have another daughter. We will be able to hold her in our arms and tell her we love her. I don't want to get ahead of myself here. We still have those last few approvals to get. We are getting close though! Hopefully the beginning of September we will travel. Keep us in your thoughts. We could use some positive vibes sent our way.


  1. Wonderful news!!!!! And a long time coming!!!! So happy for you!

  2. Woooohooooo! Great news for both of us!!!

  3. So happy to see that one more step is done. I will be sending good vibes for a Sept. travel. Our 1st GOTCHA day was Sept. 18...aahhh China in the fall. It was still pretty hot in GZ but not like summer hot.


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