Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 6/Yinchuan

Today has been a quiet day. No appointments or sight seeing today. Just resting and getting to know each other. Emma continues to do great. She is truly a sweetie pie. She continues to be affectionate and happy. We are trying to figure out her symptoms from her special need, Spina Bifida, at this point. For those that don't know, Spina Bifida can affect a child's mobility and bladder and bowel function with different severity.  Emma walks with a limp as her left foot is slightly smaller than the right. She is at times unsteady on her feet too. She can walk long distances though as we have taken a few walks around the city where the hotel is. She has sensation when she has to urinate or poop, which is great. The urinating we are still trying to figure out. She has to pee frequently at times and not at others. She had 1 accident yesterday but was dry this morning when she woke up which was also great. Yinchuan is different than I expected. It is cleaner and "newer" looking than other cities in china we have seen. We are getting many stares from the locals where ever we go. I think because we are Americans(we are the only Americans here that we have seen) but also because we have 2 little girls with us with visible special needs. My thoughts on that deserve another post at some point. Tomorrow we visit the orphanage and then do some sight seeing with our guide. More pics below!!


  1. overjoyed, happy tears...I can just feel the love amongst you all. -kimberly

  2. Can't wait to see more pictures. We just got PA for a little girl from Yinchuan SWI.


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