Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Temper Tantrum Tuesday

Not a good start today. By 7:45 am a major tantrum was brewing. Over a Nutri-Grain bar. She could eat 10 of these a day if we let her. Of course we don't. So what comes next? Yup. A full blown, kicking, screaming, flailing, snot blowing Tantrum with a capital T that can last for A VERY LONG TIME!! I don't know what happened to my happy, silly, singing little girl I always talk about. Lately she has been a little out of sorts. Not quite herself. Unpredictable. I am always prepared for a tantrum when she doesn't get her way now. They seem to be happening more frequently again. I am bringing her to the Pediatrician today to check for an ear infection. She has been pulling a little on her ears. She had tubes put in when she had her palate repaired 3 weeks ago. I need to just rule out the ear infection possibility. I would love to blame this behavior on that. Some how though, I think it is still adjustment issues, post surgery issues and typical 2 1/2 year old behavior. Exhausting. Not fun. Tear inducing. Just plain miserable. I have never hoped for an ear infection in one of my kids before but today I am hoping for one. That sounds horrible, but true. If a course of antibiotics could cure these tantrums I would be thrilled!! I would even add being thankful for antibiotics to my Thanksgiving thankful list!


  1. Oooh, sorry. I've definitely BTDT. My older daughter was 2 when she came home and she also had surgery shortly after. I remember the tantrums... It wasn't pretty - sometimes we both ended up in tears. Something that helped us was learning sign language (we used Signing Time videos). It helped reduce B's frustration a lot.

    Good luck! ;-)

  2. I smiled when I read your posts today. Not because your precious Lily might have an ear infection, but because I'm always wondering if our sudden onset of ornery behavior from SuSu is "normal stuff" or "adoption stuff". Our SuSu went from being so easy-going this summer to a bit of a firecracker this fall. I started thinking it must be something adoption related 'til my friends reminded me that Peanut went through an oddly familiar phase at this age, too. It's so hard to know sometimes, though!


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